1:50- leave school in 90 degree weather for fertility clinic in a car that is loaded down with hundreds of rocks and whose brake light on.
2:25- after sweating in the car, missing my road about 4 times, I figure out where I am, how to get around traffic, and make it to the parking ramp. After the attendant manually extracts the parking ticket and raises the bar I make it to a space to park.
2:30- After arriving for my appointment I am asked to sign a paper that states that I am aware that I am not covered for the
injectables I am hoping to start. Trying not to freak out, I ask for clarification as this is NOT the information I
received from the insurance company. Saying they will figure it out, I am ushered into my ultrasound.
2:40- Ultrasound shows that my left over egg is deflated and we are cleared for
meds. Nurse informs me that there was some mistake and that I am
okayed for
meds. However, my insurance requires a prior approval for the drugs that I need to start . . .TODAY. Somehow this has been overlooked and so now I am scrambling as the "nurse" I am talking to says that she can try to push the approval through for maybe tomorrow, but there may be a chance that I need to wait another month. This does not go over well with me. I press for other options and get little from the person in front of me. Clear she will not help me, and clear that I will not abate, she refers me to the finance woman.
2:50- Thank God this woman is human and she says that she will push the paperwork through, and she is pretty sure that it will be cleared tomorrow. She also states that I can pay for part of my
meds today in cash and then get reimbursed by the insurance. Thankful for this option I head out to my car.
3:00- Now in the very hot car, I call the only insurance approved pharmacy even close to our house to make sure that they will do this plan. When I talk to the pharmacist, she states that I need to make sure the initial request by the clinic is back dated for today, not the day the request is
okayed so that I can get my money back. I call the insurance company to make sure that all of this is legit. Still sitting in the parking lot of the clinic I call upstairs to verify this point before I call back the pharmacy to place the order. Pharmacy says that it will take an hour.
3:30- Now finished with all of my calls, I leave the parking lot and begin the long drive home through traffic.
3:45- Stop by
Surdyks to pick up
4:00- Stop at the Target by on Johnson to waste some time as I wait for my
prescription to be filled. Also trying to find the elusive dress that I want for the wedding this Sunday. Nothing is found. I head back to the car and head north.
4:30- Enter the pharmacy on the dot and proceed to get confused and humiliated by the
pharmacist as he asks me lots of questions I do not have the answers for. He doesn't know if he should fill 1 or 2 of the
prescriptions- I have no idea what one of the
prescriptions is. He
recommends me getting more info- I pay 412 dollars for a 3 day supply of
injectables and a 3 dollar bin to house used needles in.
4:40- Tired, hot and defeated, I call S to ask if we can order pizza as I can't bear to get out of the car again.
5:10- Still holding it together I head in the door, throw the cat out, and order the pizza and wings online. Afterwards I watch
tv with S while venting of my day, my confusion, and my frustration. S comforts.
6:05- Food arrives, we eat, S comforts, we watch
6:25- Pizza is done, we put in the DVD on how to use the
follistem pen and watch with rapt attention. After viewing we mimic what we watched and pulled off with no problem our first injection of
6:30- Watching season finale of 24, drinking, and chilling with my man. We are thankful for this opportunity- it is just easier to see with a full belly, in a comfy house, next to the man I love.