Friday, August 7, 2009

12 weeks.

Well today officially marks 12 weeks of being pregnant. Over the last 2 weeks since we had our last ultrasound I have begun to feel more and more permanently pregnant. I had a sort of ah-ha moment during that last appointment when the doctor patiently repeated that yes, there was nothing to do but wait- the fetus was either producing enough progesterone to sustain itself- or it wasn't. There was no extra testing or meds that would matter. For some reason her look was so poignant- so clearly patronizing the possessed woman sitting before her that it shocked me out of my craziness (well a good bit of it at least). She said I was welcome to finish off the remaining progesterone suppositories, as finishing the remaining bunch would not hurt the baby, but I chose not to after a moment of internal dialogue. She was right- this pregnancy is either destined to continue or it isn't. I can only do everything asked of me and then hope it all works out. We go in next Tuesday to find out what the verdict is. And the really tricky thing will be if we are still pregnant- and things are as they should be- how we tell the family!

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