Tuesday, August 10, 2010

high test.

For some reason, I am becoming a crazy clothes mom. I have spent about 150 dollars on designer clothes for Anya in the last month. I blame M entirely. The dress she gave me when Anya was born was an ADORABLE super unique dark pink dress. I loved all of the special little details and hemmed it so that she could wear it even before it really fit her. I just couldn't find anything better! After I figured out a couple of the sites where she locates these finds, I started on my own. I buy a lot of boy clothes because I like bugs, dinosaurs, and the color green. ('WAHOO Target) But I also really like crazy fancy dresses. (Enter the Internet!) My last purchase was for a dress for an upcoming wedding, a Easter dress for when she is 2, and a winter coat that is SOOOOO cute! I just like really special pieces . . . and spend my personal money on that more than hostas! Who knew? Oh, well. One more interesting facet of my journey into motherhood.