Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First time for everything.

So the house is quiet, silent in fact. I have the tv going, but other than that- no husband- no baby. So for todays standards- silent. Anya is upstairs sleeping after a good visit from my parents, and S? Well, S is off in Wisconsin. His job is moving forward quickly and asking quite a bit from him. I must admit it is nice to see him so excited and motivated. However, his great job performance is making it so that he is needed/wanted by several different departments. He was asked to start being on the rotation for a crew that does overnight trips to Wisconsin to do testing of MRI equipment. He has been both looking forward to and dreading this opportunity. So this morning he headed out and now I sit alone.

My parents were very nice to stop by tonight, so that helped distract me, and the baby. . . well the baby is distracting by her very nature. However, now I am alone with my thoughts and a little freaked out by the thought of sleeping without S. Since our first date, we have not spent a day a part. We saw each other every day, and then eventually slept together every night. . . except for the two weeks that S went to Guyana. To my embarrassment I actually got so homesick for S when he was away that I had my ex drive me down to S's house so I could smell him as I slept in his bed. Odd huh? (The reason I had him drive down was that I was so scared that my car would get broken into when I was there, and I didn't want to have to explain to my dad why I was there. . . So I left my car at my apartment and had him drive me down. Strange but true.)

Tonight is a little different, as I am in our home, which is full of reminders of S- so no problem there. The problem is our ritual. Every night S gives me his good thing for the day, his selfish thing, and the good thing about him. These little bits of information are what I use to hear about his day, make sure he is taking time for himself, and reinforcing how great he is. After that we usually chat for a bit and then we kiss, he kisses my head, and then we kiss again. We repeat this pattern about 3 times and then we go to bed. Tonight, I will have to make do without.

I love my husband, and I am so proud of all the work he does. However, I do miss him. He is the best part of my life and has given me Anyara- who is everything. I am excited for his return tomorrow, and hopes he has a great trip.