Thursday, May 7, 2009

hope springs anew.

So here are the things that are keeping me from jumping off a bridge:

(This is from the magnolia tree that we bought for 40 dollars at Home Depot last spring. We weren't sure it would make it, but it did and the blossoms smell divine.)

(This is S's weeping crab apple tree that reflects his Japanese aesthetic. He loves the blooms in the spring- and this is our first year of spring blossoms.)

(This may look small, but it made it through the winter and our wind-tunnel of a street with no damage at all. Also it is also completely covered in blooms- its is beautiful.)

Today was a good day, one of the few as of late where I have not felt strung out. Today was a good day where I felt like I was in control of my own body. It was also a day where I caffeinated myself to pieces, which kept my energy up where it used to be pre-hormones of death. It is a nice reminder and a nice boost to keep going.

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