Wednesday, April 22, 2009


S and I have both been a little on edge the last couple of days, we have had a really hard time sleeping and both have been feeling like we are going to get sick- but never do. Tonight we both hypothesized that we might have been feeling the stress of waiting for our meeting today with the infertility doctor at The Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Overall it went well, we were both fearing that when another doctor looked over our records that we would find out some horrible thing that had been missed previously. However, we were really pleased to find that overall we are in pretty decent shape, and that we have two big options in front of us.

Option A (conservative) is to take a higher dose of chlomid and continue with the IUI for 3 months or so and then reevaluate our options.

Option B (progressive) is to move to injectibles as a method of ovary stimulation.

The only real difference between our options is the 25 percent chance that we may in fact end up with twins or triplets from the medication. Now there are a lot of things to think about with considering multiples, and I was really unsure after the doctor talked to us, what S would want to do. After the doctor left us for a moment we started to talk through the options and we both found, to our surprise, that we both wanted to go for the more aggressive option, and that in fact we would like to have twins. We both feel so crazed to be in family mode, and we both think that we want 3-4 kids, and since I am 29, we feel the pressure. We hope that we are making the right choice.

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