Thursday, February 26, 2009

a little brightness.

So my latest obsessions, other than getting knocked-up and cooking with wheat and splenda, has been orchids. I previously haven't been too fond of orchids as the seemed really prissy and high maitenence. However, they have proven to be strong and quite unique to me as I learn more, so here's what I've amassed so far:

1. Of course anything that is smaller is cuter, and this mini phalenopsis is no exception. I got this cutie for S for Valentines Day. It has so many buds and is doing surprisingly well on the kitchen windowsill.

2. L dragged me to an orchid show at the Como Conservatory two months ago, and I picked up this phalenopsis. It is super tiny, but I haven't been able to tell if this is a mini-phal or if this is just a very young plant. I am a huge fan of mounted plants!

3. After the orchid show, L found a local place to check out. We headed out one weekend and were astounded at what we found. Winsome Orchids is a fantastic place (Did I mention that they have an insane amount of hostas in the summer as well?). Their greenhouses were so well kept, and they had an amazing array of orchids. I fell in love with the hanging, bare-root varieties. Here is the first vanda I bought.

4. The next weekend, on Valentines, S and I drove out to the orchid place (S is a HUGE fan or orchids and is the reason why we had them in our wedding flowers). I spent my time obsessing over plants, S obsessing over how the place was built. He wants to build an orchadarium in thee house, and I am all for it. This vanda lives in S's bathroom upstairs.

5. Yesterday L convinced me to make another run out to Winsome, and since school is so crazy (kids are nuts, and they Minneapolis School Board is trying to shut FAIR down) I was excited for the break. Unfortunately, another vanda was calling my name. Its my biggest plant yet- it has amazing roots, and the blossoms are a good 4 inches!

So this is how my bathroom downstairs looks. Amidst the construction resides my own personal rainforest- it is a fantastic way to wake up. The other plant hanging from the window is a staghorn fern. It is my favorite! It's leaves are insane and protrude wildly from the wall. The plant at the bottom of the window also came from Winsome, it is sooo fragrant. It smells like mint/herb/lemon every time you brush by it or water it. It is fantastic.

During that last trip, I had lusted between two different orchids, the vanda I ended up with and this little guy. This is a miniature lady slipper and it is adorable! But since we are restricted on cash because of S's lessened hours at work, I put this one back. However, L snuck it into her pile and surprised me with it. I can't wait to see it bloom!

Today there is a fantastic blizzard blowing about, and since I am at home today, I got a cool shot of this dainty little guy with the blowing snow in the background. It gives me hope to see these flowers every morning- ready to bloom, surviving in this cold, ready for spring.

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