Thursday, November 26, 2009

soccer player.

So it is Thanksgiving morning and I am awake due to the over excited flailings of my daughter. She is ACTIVE. But I must say, being awoken on a potential sleep in day is nothing. I keep thinking about how miserable it was waiting and hoping to get pregnant, and I just can't believe how blessed we are to be in our 7th month. I am having a great pregnancy so far, and I can't tell if that is because I have had less trouble spots than others (back pain, leg cramps . . .) or if I am just so happy to be pregnant, that I don't mind as much about the discomforting parts. I feel really happy and content right now and it is a great feeling.

On a not as content feeling, I am attempting two desserts for my parents today as Aunt M will not be coming. The first is a pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting that I got from a co-worker. Really simple, but really good. The other is a double-layer chocolate torte that M made for me on my birthday. M is a great explorer of new recipes and will often bring her experiments in to school to test them out on the 4th grade team. This recipe, however was AMAZING. Somewhere in the back of my head, I believed I could make this very complicated dessert- and yesterday was not my day for baking. The trial run of the mousse layer, that I had done earlier in the week, did not influence my attempt yesterday as the mousse was ridiculously off. Also the simple pumpkin cake, which looked done, revealed that it was not after cooling for 15 minutes. Which meant that it needed to be remade as well. sigh. I did take a moment or two to swear at the top of my lungs yesterday- which helped a little. The second attempt of the mousse yesterday, went much better, as did the cake. So today, I am going to pop a frozen apple pie into the oven to bring to S's dad's, make the cream cheese frosting for the pumpkin cake, and whip cream to put on the torte. Let's hope I don't mess those up!

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