Monday, July 2, 2007

ADHD Recount


I haven't written in a while. Completed Bookmaking for Authors and Astronomy for Teachers - demolished the back yard - ripped apart the garage with the help of the Indian destruction team - had both in-laws over in the construction-zone house for feedings and general inspections - put in an extra 30 hours at school for curriculum mapping - completely lost my mind and planted the front yard into a hosta haven.


S has been busy too.

Life is crazy now, but we are managing. We really like to spend our time together, so with S's extra job and all the demo around the house I have been worried that we will fall apart and be like every other married couple we know, but so far so good. The thought is that if we work really hard and get our shit together, then we can maybe have a chance of having a more normal life next summer. (he, he) Oh well, we will see what happens. So thats enough for now gotta go write wedding thank yous.

No they are not done yet. yet.

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