Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I just cant shake it. I'm deep in a slump and I can't seem to break out. I come home tired, bored, and depressed.


No reason. I am married to a wonderful man. I have never been so excited about the changes in my life. I am learning how to cook/be part of a marriage team. I am becoming part of a church group, I am planning to finish my masters next year. We are getting new siding on the house and the backyard will be done soon. I have 120 thank-you cards to write. I have so much going and so much on my plate and yet I can't seem to give a shit about any of it. I am just flat.

And now it has been almost a week, and still I can't find my way out of it. School sucks this time of year - and I know that. I also figure that this feeling is probably some let down from the wedding. I mean for so long the goal was the wedding and now. . . its been hard to find my way back to where I need to be.

Last night, however, I got a little bolt. Looking on craigslist I found a guy who was giving away free perennials. So without a real thought of making it (I mean what are the odds of being first to respond?) I sent an email to him. Low and behold he called me and Niel and I went over to pick up what I thought was maybe 5-10 plants. NO - we carted away 2 minivan loads worth! How nuts is that? So tonight when I go home (after stupid talent show try-outs) I am going home to plants - and more importantly - a new goal I am motivated to do!

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