Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just Baby.

As of late this blog has been all about my issues . . . enough is enough.

Anya is great! She is an awesome, incredibly interesting kid. She is not an overly giggly kid. She is super smiley and goofy with those she knows, but otherwise she is happy and observant. When she gets into situations that are new, instead of freaking out like most babies, she just watches. Its really amazing, in the shower, around loud noises, strange environments- she just observes and figures out what is going on. She is unlike most babies I know- and I happen to think she is the most amazing baby EVER!

She is also growing so fast. I had to set aside sometime to go through her clothes as half the items in her drawer didn't fit her anymore. She is still a skinny kid, but I don't worry about the feedings anymore. I am still exclusively breastfeeding, except for a couple of ounces of formula at daycare. I still am not very good at pumping, so I require a little supplement during work. I am worried that my supply will dry up when I return to work, but I am really happy that I have breastfed this long! It has been a real challenge- more work than 12 hours of labor- and I feel really proud of the work I have done.

Anyara is super verbal, super drooley, and super wiggly. All of which makes her my favorite daughter EVER! (Well for now . . .)

Babys up . . . gotta run- more later!

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