Friday, July 16, 2010

good day.

I couldn't sleep last night, it may have been the second grande soy coffee frappacino at grabbed at Starbucks. (The first being my breakfast before summer school!) I personally think it was more than that, but regardless my mind could not shut down. Funny enough, S was having the same problem. We were both exhausted last night, but couldn't make it work. Finally after midnight, many conversations and goofyness later, S nodded off and I was alone in the dark between my sleeping husband and baby.

Examining my life, I was pretty content with it. Beyond the worry of my new job- beyond the irritation of daycare, I really am blessed. Sometimes I am so focused on what I feel should done that I forget to be thankful. Part of that I am sure has to do with our relapse from church. I am so hoping to find our church home this fall. I know it will be hard to find a place that works for us, but I want to make sure Anyara has a solid church to be a part of.

Finally done with staring at the ceiling, I headed down to surf the net- anything to get my brain off. About 20 minutes into it, S headed down to join me. He had woken up and when I wasn't there, he couldn't get back to sleep. Joining him upstairs I tried to sleep again. Instead we had sex- great sex.

So today I got to spend the whole day with my baby, had a successful Target run (where several people commented on the adorableness of my child), ate some awesome rhubarb bread for lunch, (that S made!) and now can attempt to put this child down for a nap and then go make some baby food from the fresh peas in the garden!

The baby is trying out all 4 octaves she can produce while kicking her feet at everything. She is still trying to master flipping from her back to her front as front to back is great! All in all a great day- a much needed day!

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