Monday, July 26, 2010

getting it.

Life is moving forward . . .FAST. Today Anya turns 5 months old. Part of me is so desperate for her to walk, talk, and eat normal food. The other part of me can't even remember what it was like to be pregnant! The mind is a funny, funny thing. I love being a mom- truly love it. It fits me so well- a part of me that I didn't even know was for her. The problem seems to be that for me, it is hard to turn off "mom mode" and remember to be me. I looked at my eyebrows this morning and was aghast- serious plucking was needed immediately. Its the little things that add up, not just the big ones.

Today was a great day. Woke up at 4:30 to feed Anya. Put her back down around 5:30 and went back to sleep. S got up at 6, and then I got up at 6:20. At 6:30 I changed her diaper, and brought her down. We left together- me to work- S to daycare then work. I stopped for my daily Starbucks drivethrough (grande coffee frappacino with extra shot of expresso and a banana). The line was the perfect length so I got my make-up done in line! I got to work a little after 7 where I worked on cleaning/organizing my new science room, and then pumped at 7:30. I kept working on plans for next year until 8:30 when I went upstairs and taught quilting (really good class this year!). At snack time, I pumped again, and then went to finish teaching. As soon as the class was done, I drove up to get Anya. Today, she had just eaten as I picked her up, which meant I had a little time to run errands which is a great luxury. We got home around 1:30 and I at lunch as she played on the mat. I fed her again and put her down for her nap at 3:00. It only took 20 minutes to put her down! I took the opportunity to do all the house cleaning that I avoided all weekend. (We spent most of it in "cave mode"). I got so much done, and she is still sleeping, so I even have time to blog!

It is a daily struggle to feel caught up, like a good mom, and good wife. Today, I have food, sleep, baby and a moment to myself. Great- great day!

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