Sunday, March 14, 2010

top 10.

I have so much to write about, but there is only so much you can do while holding an infant,

Top 10 things about having a baby:
1. her smell
2. watching my husband be a father
3. cuddling
4. having people say you are a good mother
5. seeing the pride in my father's eyes as he holds his grandchild
6. knowing you have forever changed your life- for the better
7. joining your friends in the parenting club
8. starting your own family/clan
9. creating you own legacy
10. being completely in love with a 9 pound bundle you made with the love of your life

Top 10 things that suck about having a baby:
1. the lack of sleep
2. hoping your child will be in a good mood for visitors
3. loosing your breasts and lactating on your self
4. wondering if your body will ever return
5. always feeling unsure if you are doing the right thing
6. feeling as if everyone is watching/judging you
7. not having sex
8. having to let crappy people near your child and in your house
9. being tied to a 3 hour window if you want to leave the house
10. never being alone

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