Thursday, March 4, 2010

don't know shit.

Tuesday morning we went into the doctor's to see how Anya's jaundice levels were. She had been borderline in the hospital, so they wanted to follow up. The results showed that she was really high, which meant that we needed to do light therapy. Our doctor put in an order to have a light therapy machine delivered to our house. For some odd reason, I had a burst of energy and decided to check with our insurance company. For some odd reason we found out (through much energy and irritation) that not only would insurance not cover the treatment, but the only treatment that they would cover is hospitalization. So Tuesday night we packed up our bags, our baby and headed over to Children's hospital. I cried three times- when I found out we had to go in, on the drive on the way over, and when the nurses put an IV in my 4 day-old daughter.

Overall, it was good that we were in the hospital. Overall, it worked out so we could stay with Anyara, and she had awesome care while she was there. She responded really well to the treatment and instead of the 3 days we were quoted initially, we were able to leave the next morning. Words cannot describe my relief to be home with a healthy baby again. Words cannot describe the strength it must take as a parent to be in the hospital long term. We are very blessed, very. Money is tight for us, S's job is circling the toilet and uncertainty reigns supreme. However in the midst of it all we have to stay focused on our overwhelming blessings: our family- S, me, and Anya. What more could we ask for?

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