Sunday, October 19, 2008

checking up

So I counted up and 12 days after my period began I found myself at the doctors office. Apparently I fell asleep during anatomy and sexual reproduction, because I finally had to ask the doctor to explain what in the world was going on. So every month one of my eggs (follicles) decides that it is its time and begins to grow. The rest of my eggs just chill out till its their time. So my appointment was to see which ovary I was going to ovulate from (they alternate each month) and to see how big my largest follicle is. Well for day 12 there was not an obvious front runner, and my doctor says that there are two options for me. My longer cycle causes my follicles to take longer to develop, which may have had some effect on my ability to carry- something about hormone levels-or maybe not at all. So I have another ultrasound on Tuesday. (They were resolute that I had to be scanned on Monday, but since we are having sex every other day, they allowed me to put it off 24 hours - apparently this is an EXACT science.) If one of my follicles is big enough, they will give me a shot to make me ovulate, if it is not, then we will need to do some rethinking about what my body is doing.

The doctor seemed beyond casual about all of this, and I left with the feeling that they almost want me pregnant more than I do. Now don't get me wrong. IWANTABABY, but I also am a firm believer in the strength of my own body and its cycle. I am a little torn about what path to take. Time is everything, and I would like to be able to pop out my babies before I am 40, but I would also like to have a baby when I am supposed to. I just don't know how to figure out when that is.

So I guess I will see what happens on Tuesday. But above all else, if I were to get pregnant in the next couple of months it will be HELL for the next school year. oh well- timing is everything. he, he!

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