Friday, August 8, 2008

small changes.

So a short update about baby 2ml (yes, S has renamed the small thing, due to its extreme measurement of 2 millimeters at our last check up). So far, the boobs still hurt, (they have grown a full cup size!- I am hoping that is all we need!) but they are less painful than previously. Also the overwhelming exhaustion has lessened. I still nap occasionally, but I am no longer taking daily 2 hour naps!

Food wise, I have developed an aversion to raw meat, but a repulsion to chicken. I can't even be near it. Overall I am pretty specific in what I want to eat for lunch (the last week was macaroni and cheese from Kowalskis, cookies, cottage cheese, roast beef sandwiches, pickles, and lots of orange juice.) I seem to favor the sweet and the sour tastes right now.

Craziness wise, I cannot seem to touch, talk to, or be near S enough. He is managing well, despite my clinginess. It helps that he is a little clingy too sometimes. I went shopping today in the summer clearance to find tops that will help to hide my changing body from my co-workers- it is a completely new experience to hide my belly rather than flaunt it. Just more of the changes to come!

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