Monday, February 18, 2008

best of the best

So the Basant family plan has had to be altered. Initially we had thought to go off birth control March 1st and condom it until the end of May (After S and N's wedding) and then try to get knocked up June or July. Well, due to my desire to have a honeymoon (no Vegas does not count) we are heading off to the Dominican Republic the first week of April. I do not want to have to deal with anything but relaxing, so I think we are going to stick with the pill until after we get back.

Propelled by some interesting heath issues, I decided to take the plunge and find an OBGYN that I would see regularly instead of the hit or miss approach I am so fond of. Thinking about finding a doctor in this time frame means that I need to think about more than just me, this doctor will be the doctor that helps me as I prepare for pregnancy and beyond. So being an American in the year 2008 I hit the internet.

Amid a slew of reviews and websites. I found that most of the truly desirable clinics were either in St. Paul or Edina. Choosing between being snooty or having a long drive I choose to join the Southdale elite. Clinic Sophia is highly listed in many places but I felt nervous going today. I mean who really likes to have their vaginas poked? But frogs be praised - it was great! I mean it was a pelvic exam, but it was the best experience so far. The whole place was very well run - very polite and friendly. So I left today with a plan for pregnancy - lets just hope it works like I see it in my head!

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