Monday, September 24, 2007

should be . .

All right. I admit it! I should be working on my capstone. Yes I am aware that the first chapter of this immense death match is due this Thursday and I really don't have time to be goofing off. But screw logic - my brain is fried. Random thoughts brought to you by "I really can't write anymore without taking a break!"

1.My class this year is hell - but I am going to win.
2. I think I may have found a topic that will get me though my thesis this year without dying.
3. I have baby fever in a way not typical to Ruth . . . EVER.
4. I do not think we will ever be able to afford said child.
5. Even though I can't stand Sh, and was irritated as hell she asked me to through her a baby shower, I was still pleased it went ok.
6. I really love S. I can't believe we have only been married 5ish months.
7. I may never finish my wedding thank yous.
8. I want to kill anyone who has ever wronged my family.
9. I am a hard core perfectionist when I want to be.
10.I finally feel like I weigh too much. (my stomach is not flat anymore!)
11. I don't know if I lost T and K's friendship over the wedding.
12. I have become completely racist living in the neighborhood and I am not quite sure what to do about it.
13. I can't stop comparing myself to others.
14. I am worried about what to do with my boobs once they have fallen/become food.
15. I only crave food that is bad for me.
16. I am extremely angry at my mother - always.
17. I am a good teacher, though I wish I had a different job.
18. I don't know how to let my child go to daycare.
19. I am scared that my father will die young.
20. I have procrastinated long enough.

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