Saturday, August 4, 2007

It smells like fall

I don't know what it is exactly about today, but it seems like something is creeping up on me. Something intangible, but ever growing, like a dream I can't remember haunting the back of my mind. But I know this - soon I will no longer get to wear flip flops to work. Soon I will stop making my lunch when I feel hungry. Soon I will arrive home exhausted with no strength to do all of the summer work that is left over. Soon I will be a teacher and little else.

Today I felt it, the need to organize the basement. The necessity to mop the kitchen, to move around the still unopened boxes from my apartment. There is a overwhelming desire to find a good white shirt, dye my hair, and tone up my stomach. There is only so much time left to be ready.

It's coming - and I know it.

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