Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One day left . . .

Tomorrow I head back into to the wonderful world of being a working mother. People told me that they were so sorry that I had to go back to work, but for me this is perfect. I need to know what this is like, the dropping off, the packing, the schedule. Waiting until next fall would make me nuts as I would be learning during the high-stress part of the year. Now I have the chance to figure out pumping and picking up while everything is winding down.

And apparently I will have more time than I thought. I went in yesterday to meet with my principal and then the teacher who has been "taking care" of my class. Since things have gone so poorly, K reccomended that I not return to the room. So I will be guest teaching in rooms, writing curriculum and generally keeping busy cleaning and organizing. I wont really have a space, but I will have a lot more freedom and hopefully less stress as I figure out how to pump . . .

Mom and D will be watching Anyara for the next 2 weeks, and I am super grateful as it makes my return much easier. However, I am finding a little bit of my controlling nature as I wrote a 2 page "note" about her preferences. I am not so much worried about her being cared for, but more worried that she will feel abandoned. We have spent 13 months together . . . so I hope it goes well.

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