Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Winter, or at lease pre-winter is upon us. The frigid wind and rain/snow offering of this afternoon cannot be ignored. The temperature has dropped drastically, and the house uninsulated is showing its age. I caught the cat trying to escape the cold and make herself a den from which to launch herself at the other cat. I took her picture, and found, after closer inspection, that her attitude towards the oncoming winter is similar to my feeling toward life right now.

I went in yesterday for my 13 day "stick a big wand up my womb" and see how my follicles are appointment. Lucky me, one of my follicles decided that it would grow enough to be released into the wild. One magical shot to the ass later and apparently my body is ready and will send my egg a-floating at 4 am on Wednesday. Yep. Science is that bizarre- 4 am. They can tell me the time- 4 am.

So . . . we have sex every day for a week (oh the suffering . . . he, he!) then I go in 10 days later and we'll see if it took.

I know baby could be a long way off, or it could be very close. I try not to think about it, but you know me. . . always thinking. I feel so in limbo, and I am finding it hard to want to do what I should. I should be working out, I don't want to. I should be cleaning and working on the house, I don't want to. I should be working on so many things holiday related, but I don't want to. I want to sit in a laundry bin of my own making and wait for the weather to change.

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