Wednesday, April 30, 2008


As we are working toward this kid thing, I keep thinking more and more about who we might produce. There are so many variables and options involved in this sort of thing. It makes me a little nuts when I think of who our child might be. We have not had the continual baby-making that we were hoping for this month due to S's crazy recovery from his septoplasty. I feel that there is a VERY slight chance that I got pregnant this month - (we'll see how next month goes!) I keep thinking about the child that would have been created with this egg, and wonder what we missed. Weird huh? Oh well that is enough deep thinking for now.

As to the rest of life, we are back on the "Oh my goodness we need to get it done right now" philosophy for the backyard. Since S is laid up still (At least two weeks before he can lift anything over 20 pounds) I have signed on for a lot of the grunt work, lets just hope I can deliver!

Dad is doing ok. He is still really at the end of his rope in a lot of aspects, but we (the boys and I) are keeping a much tighter reign on him. He came down to hang out on Saturday and it was really nice to see him relax a little - if only for a little. Mom has given up on her piano lessons, and is now pretty nocturnal, so we have yet to see what she will do with her "life."

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