Monday, August 4, 2008


So. . . . . today was the day. I waited and worried, and talked myself into a mind cyclone, and by the time S and I got to the room for the ultrasound to see if there was a heartbeat I was ready. But apparently not. Apparently we found out that I was pregnant the first minute that we could and so today at our appointment we discovered that we were not 7ish weeks along, but in fact 5ish weeks along- so again we need to wait to hear the heartbeat. Next Monday we will go in again and hope for the best, but the wait may kill me. The doctor did say that the sac is growing and making progress- which is good, but I will not be happy until I hear the heartbeat. So wait we must.

Funny side note- the doctor estimates our due date on April 1st, yes that is right, April Fool's Day. God has a great sense of humor.

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