Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I found this blog through a blog I follow more closely, and when I went to read I found this entry. It speaks to me right now, and I can't rephrase it any better- so I stole it.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Once More, With Feeling
I am currently reading a book (as a thesis study break) that includes Joan Gould's essay entitled, "Once More, With Feeling" which tells the story of having a baby at age 40. It was a touching essay, with the following excerpt that I really liked:"Would I have decided to have baby if I had known that Martin would die in his fifties? The other way around, would I have survived as well without a child who demanded strength from me rather than weakness? How can I tell? At the important junctures in our lives, when we fall in love, marry, conceive a child, pick a vocation, we are inspired by our gut if we are lucky, rather than our brain. We choose a direction, with no idea where it will take us or how we will change along the way.... I can only say that my choice of direction -- which is not the same as destination -- was as conscious as any I have made in my life. As the philosopher Martin Buber once put it, 'All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.'"

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