Friday, May 27, 2011

First Word. . .

So Anya makes a lot of noise- a LOT of noise. She has entire speeches and rants that she shares with us. All very emotional, all very specific. She understand so many words. She responds to what S and I say. But her actual human words are few. There was a phantom "Hi, Dad!" there was also a "All Done" episode. But not many words stay around for long. She says them, then she is done. It's like once she can say them, she wants nothing to do with them. She will smile if you say them, but it has lost its shine for her. Funny, our daughter. However, tonight was different. We were reading before bed and I came to this page.

When I read the line, "Anyara turns one year old. Happy Birthday!" She suddenly uttered, "Happy Birthday!" It was bizarre. Sure I heard wrong, I said it again, and so did she - many times in fact. But the real test was when dad got home- and she did it again! Except for dad it was less "Happy Birthday" and more "Happy". Either way, it was great! What a fantastic first word!

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