Today, we went over to K's house and visited for a while,and tomorrow we will head to my parents to have the final birthday. I shopped a long time- because I have issues- to find her birthday outfit and settled on this. It has been perfect- she looks adorable and it is super comfy.
It has been surreal looking at her lately. She has so many remanents of baby left in her, but she is such a different kid than the one I met a year ago. This whole year has been so amazing, and I know I am sounding like every other old person when I say I can't believe how fast this year has gone. There were moments this year that were so long and hard to get through, but this whole parenting thing has been made so much easier by the remarkable baby we were given. I really can't explain my amazement when I look at her.
She is still pretty small for her age, though she is catching up. She now fits in 12 months clothes which is her actual age, but her shoe size is still about 6 months behind her age. She is pretty average for development, but she refuses to speak. Oh, she makes noise- jabbers and yips all the time, but makes no discernible or repeatable words. I am a little worried, but she knows the words that S and I are saying and responds to them, she just has no desire to say them herself. She has a nice even temperament and is very interested in people. She is not quite walking, but along with crawling, she pulls herself up at every opportunity and loves to stand.
Being a mom is a great, great gift and I feel so lucky to be able to have Anyara as my daughter. Shockingly enough, even though I am super irritated with my body, I am excited to give Anya a little brother or sister. I feel a little sense of loss watching her get bigger. Watching S take her upstairs tonight to put her to bed seemed odd tonight. It is almost impossible to remember what it was like to hold her the first time. She was so small and so far away from the baby I know now. A year ago I had no clue what S and I had just embarked on, and now I feel that feeling exponentially. I have no idea what the future holds for us, all I know is how much I have loved what has come so far.