Saturday, December 12, 2009


The pain in my leg lasted about 3 days this time and thankfully has passed. What has not passed is the movement. Good night, it is a strange feeling to have your whole mid-section writhing. I admit there are many times when I whip up my shirt and just stare at the wriggling in amazement. It is truly awesome. I jokingly chide Anyara for her constant motion as it wakes me up early on the weekends. I confess I am getting excited to meet her.

Normally I do not allow myself to look forward to things, as it often results in disappointment. In fact, hope in a positive outcome is not one of my strengths. S confessed to me that he is fearful of something bad happening with the baby, and I was happy to hear him say it as I have been also running 1,000 different scenarios through my own head. I want to believe that everything will be ok, but I can't help wondering if we are still able to keep this dream alive. Even though the first one isn't out yet, we are already thinking of the next and hoping Anyara is brilliant. I am so anxious to be a mother, to have our family, and this is another one of those things that is out of my hands and solely in Gods. Seems to be a place we are in a lot lately.

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