Wednesday, March 11, 2009

turkey basting.

So we have crossed another threshold and for better or worse S and I entered the world of artificial insemination. It went pretty well, and in all honesty, it was a lot less drama than usual because it felt like we had an extra mind making sure everything went well. The night before, was a lot of drama because when S when to give me my ovulation shot at 3:30 am (I know, I know) the needle head came off with the cover- and we both had a really sleepless night after a little leaked out. But I had super cramps the next day, and the doctor said that I had good cervical mucus on insemination day, so we eventually calmed down. sigh. So if all goes well, we will know exactly when we got pregnant- 3:30 on March 9th. If all goes poorly, I will sink into another mini depression. Then I will pick myself up off of the ground, and we will drag our sorry asses to the infertility specialists. This is our life- for now.

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