Friday, January 30, 2009

new sight.

I have been feeling crappy for a while. However, the last week things improved a little. I started working on my diet, got some new cute clothes from Dev, and went to school feeling great on Thursday. Apparently, however, my frankness at a couple of meetings pissed the director of teaching and learning off- big time. He requested a meeting with me on Tuesday- about what I can only guess. Irritated, I contacted K the principal and he came to down. Basically he isn't sure what I did either, only that it is serious. K is pretty defensive of me, so he said he would come to the meeting to smooth things over.

I was pretty pissed- well really pissed. Its nice to be needed and defended, but I hate to have to justify myself to a moron who doesn't do his job. However, a good hair cut/color and some new glasses later, I feel a little better if not at least distracted. Check out my oldness!

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