Thursday, January 3, 2008

the grass is always greener.

Okay! So apparently I need some routine in my life! During the school year I am surrounded by structure, and it benefits me greatly - I need to have a reason to get out of bed on time and a roomful of unruly 4th graders certainly inspires me to haul ass in the a.m. However. . . . . . I get weary of having 20 minutes to eat and no time to pee. I am exhausted of doing the same damn thing over and over. I long for any opportunity to mix up my mundane life- anything out of the ordinary.

Enter the Holiday - all of the free time in the world - not a schedule in sight. However, left to my own devices I fall apart. For the last 4 days I have kind of made my own schedule as I am on Winter break and all of the major holiday/family stuff was completed in the first week. I slumped myself into a minor depression of comfy pants and overgrown eyebrows. T0 put it simply I have not found my hairbrush since I came back from up north - - LAST WEEKEND! sigh. So today I found the shower, a bra and my mascara and started working my way back to Work Girl. Monday, here I come!

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