Friday, January 25, 2008


Its been a while since I have posted, I have been in what I like to describe as a mid-year slump. In reality it the insanity of the last year creeping up on me. I don't always feel proud if it, but I know I need breaks and rewards to maintain my sanity. Since this year has been more of a marathon than a series of short and well-rewarded sprints, my sanity has suffered a bit. I have so much to do, but here is a short run down of life as it is:

a. I have spent unhealthy amounts of time reading a blog by the name of Dooce. Her site was mentioned on another site I frequent (A's wife) and I became obsessed with reading the entire catalog of her site. I finally caught up today. I have made a promise not to find any more blogs to read.

b. I have not finished my wedding thank yous. I know. I am a horrible person. HOWEVER, I have all of the notes written and have completed and sent all of the notes to the people at Oak Haven, but there are a good 30ish that still need to be wrapped/sealed/addressed. I have yet to be able to find enough calmness to find the will to do them. So there. I suck.

c. I am pretty fat, and seem to have no motivation to alter my state - not what I eat or the amount of movement I participate in. However, S and I are actively planning our part honeymoon to somewhere warm over spring break. Warm= exposed skin. I know this - and yet I still want to eat that gelatto.

d. I love S. Soooo much. I cannot describe how happy I am to be married to this man. He is amazing. He is nuts - but amazing. He has recently changed the color of the trim in the bathroom from "Antique White" to "Ivory" and his relief is tangible. He also put a good sized hole in the bathroom wall and then framed it in perfectly to accommodate the mirror vanity we found together at Menards. Life is crazy but good. More to come.

Friday, January 18, 2008


I know, I know. . . how the mighty have fallen. But aside from S, this is the only thing keeping me sane. Or more accurately keeping me from sanity.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Just in case you wanted to know, according to the Basant procreation plan, today was the second to last time I will refill my birth control pills - one month to go!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

the grass is always greener.

Okay! So apparently I need some routine in my life! During the school year I am surrounded by structure, and it benefits me greatly - I need to have a reason to get out of bed on time and a roomful of unruly 4th graders certainly inspires me to haul ass in the a.m. However. . . . . . I get weary of having 20 minutes to eat and no time to pee. I am exhausted of doing the same damn thing over and over. I long for any opportunity to mix up my mundane life- anything out of the ordinary.

Enter the Holiday - all of the free time in the world - not a schedule in sight. However, left to my own devices I fall apart. For the last 4 days I have kind of made my own schedule as I am on Winter break and all of the major holiday/family stuff was completed in the first week. I slumped myself into a minor depression of comfy pants and overgrown eyebrows. T0 put it simply I have not found my hairbrush since I came back from up north - - LAST WEEKEND! sigh. So today I found the shower, a bra and my mascara and started working my way back to Work Girl. Monday, here I come!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

wasabi new year

Apparently I am developing some of my father's sentimentalism. (You know you can't block it all out! ) Yesterday was New Years Eve which was the one year anniversary of the day S asked me to marry him. We went back to Fuji-ya to celebrate. Imagine my delight as we were ushered back into the same private room as last year. I was absolutely smitten, I commented to S that the room felt like a time travel chamber. (Partly my imagination at work, partly the fact that we have been watching too much Lost - Season 3) I simply could not condense all of the experiences and changes that had occurred throughout the year since I had last been in the room. I couldn't imagine what I would know a year from now.

(Potstickers, ginger calamari, miso, sushi sampler platter, two glasses of Choya plum wine, and a hot ass man! Yum!)