Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I commented to S yesterday that it has been a long time since we did anything fun. Now work can be fun, and it is the mark of a balanced person to be able to find humor in the worst of circumstances - but simply fun for fun? I don't know. We are working a lot - all the time. There is never a part of my day that I am not negotiating so that I can make another part work. Never caught up - never in a good spot - always just a little behind and a lot worn down.

We collapsed last night - both of us. For a good long while when I hit bottom he was able to be positive. When he reaches his frustration, I am able to calm him down. Last night, after several failed attempts to shove two 8 foot copper poles into the ground - we looked at each other and gave up. We staggered into the car and made our way to Subway for supper, collapsed on the couch, and finally drug ourselves to bed around 11.

I am not sure how much longer we can keep on like this, school is starting again for me and the backyard is completely ripped up. But I miss the small things. The walks in the mornings, the coffee shops at night, the occasional farmers market, or simply the sight of nature - or anything for that matter other than our house.

This too shall pass . . . . right?

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