Thursday, June 23, 2011

So. . .

If you scan my previous posts, you would guess that this post would be an update about our progress- medicines, ultra sounds, blood tests.

You would be wrong.

The last Friday of workshop week, I drove Anya to daycare and then went to the clinic to get my first blood test. I got my period just fine after I finished breast feeding. However, each period that passed was a week later than the previous. So when I went in for our initial check up with the doctor, he said to call on the first day of my period and we would begin all of the fun. If I didn't get it by June, to call and come in and we would begin the process of "forcing" my period. With the tornado problem attacking our car- I was fine to wait until the end of the first week of June to go in. I gave my blood, and headed into my last day of school. We finished early and headed out to Se Salt for a nice lunch. It was a really great day- relaxing and fun. Our team ended up hiking around the falls and taking a walk in the river. It was so fun. I dropped K back at school and then headed to pick up Anya. As I drove, I called my voicemail to see what the plan was for any prescriptions I needed to start. However, when I checked my message, the nurse said that in fact, that I was already pregnant.


To say I was shocked was a little bit of an understatement. Now don't get me wrong, we wanted to be pregnant- really, really wanted to be pregnant. I just thought I had prepared myself for all of the things I would have to work through while trying to get knocked up- drug effects, stress, money, and the possibility that we may not get pregnant for a while. I had not thought about the fact that we may have gotten pregnant on our own. Truly. S and I have really good sex. We do. But this last month has been a comedy of errors with our sex life. S has been really sick and the I was sick, and then then tornado. . . so the amount of sex that could have resulted in a baby was a lot less than a month where we would be trying to get pregnant. So all in all- I was pretty flummoxed.

So here we are. If I am still pregnant, we are 8 weeks pregnant. If my body was not able to maintain the pregnancy, then we will find out at our ultra sound next week and we will move forward from there. I feel pregnant, have felt a lot of pregnancy symptoms, but I don't remember how it was the last time I lost the baby. I am trying to stay neutral on the maybe-baby, but it is SO hard. I am excited, even though I shouldn't be yet. So here we are. God sure knows how to keep me on my toes. Wow.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

mixing dough.

So I am currently sitting in the parking lot of the Center for Reproductive Medicine. I am about an hour early due to the fact that I have to drop Anya off by 7:30 and that they didn't have an earlier time available. We me with the doctor who helped us conceive Anya a couple of weeks ago, and I am here to begin the whole process again. I am excited but for some reason still have butterflies in my stomach. It is not the fear of last time, thank God, but it is a representation of the unknown I guess. Will this work again? Will it happen right away, or take years? Will we end up with multiples or tough decisions?

We are still on one car from the lovely tornado incident and so after picking up Anya last Friday from daycare, I headed over to pick up S from Minnetonka. We needed to wait about 20 minutes for him to finish up, so we headed over to one side of the parking lot to explore the pine trees and the fantastic cones they offer for chewing. Mid-explore Anya just stood up to get closer to another pine cone she simply had to have. However, instead of taking the typical 3-4 steps and then stopping she just kept walking and walking and walking. It was amazing! It was like some switch clicked for her and she was ready to go. She was so happy with herself and was giggling and laughing as she moved around. When S came out she walked all the way to him- it was such a great family moment. Since then it is walking all the time. ALL THE TIME! It is such a cool thing to see, it makes her so grown up. It just seems the right time to try for a sibling for her.

The only other thing, besides a car, that we need to figure out is her daycare. I am not happy with where Anya is. It was totally fine the whole time that she was little, but now that she is getting a mind of her own and wanting to explore- this place is not the best for her. So today is the last day of daycare for her at Lisa's and I am hoping over the summer to find a good place for fall. I just want some place I know she will get a chance to do all sorts of fun/creative stuff. So there is lots to do this summer- I am very excited to see what happens!