So it's our first tree
together. We went with my family to a local tree farm and after careful deliberation chose our tree. Here He is holding the base and pretending to smile while being covered in sap. (But seriously- how cute is he?)

After we got the tree centered, and chopped off of the top so that there was room so the star would actually fit on, we started to unwrap the tree.

Only after we fully unwrapped and decorated our tree did we begin to see how enormous our tree was. We could barely walk around it into the living room! And each day it was unwrapped it seemed to grow and grow. Finally after the 3rd day of moving the tree away from the wall, I wised up and called my parents. They were just giggly. With visions of the
Griswald Christmas tree in their heads, they had been waiting to see how long it would take us to realize we had gotten the trees mixed! They say their tree is perfect. . . and . . . so do we. I guess. Anyone want to build a huge fire come New Years?